Global Solutions considers three things to be most important for its customers:
Flexible scheduling to fit your needs
Highest-quality work performance
Cost-effective pricing with flexible payments
Global Solutions supervises each job on-site every day. Our full-time dedication in the field ensures that you receive the finest possible results.
We are not your average contractor. We apply our scientific background to our methodology and products. We also appropriate our budget to include annual R&D costs with our Stanford University affiliated chemists and our University of Delaware chemical consultants to ensure that our work is superior to anything else offered in the industry.
Our price-match guarantee provides you with peace of mind knowing that you're receiving the best value for your money. We will match any comparable contractor's price and terms. (Certain conditions apply.)
We also have extensive experience performing hotel renovations, with projects spanning the entire west coast from Seattle to San Diego, and east to Nevada.
We pride ourselves in our industry-leading <0.5% peeling call-back rate from our clients and their enthusiastic referrals.
We build our reputation every day by simplifying the complex, and by providing our customers with the benefit of our extensive knowledge and expertise.